Saturday, March 10, 2007

Vegetable Shopping

Saturday 10 March 2007

Ryan and I went shopping today for two dinners we are planning to prepare for friends tonight and tomorrow night. We bought four ears of corn, three cucumbers, celery, a potato, two avocados, four onions, a head of garlic, some parsley, four green peppers and one red one, one kilo of tomatoes, one kilo of oranges, one kilo of apples, a half kilo of plums, a banana, and a pear. All of this food cost seven dollars US.

The government subsidizes fruit and vegetables rather heavily. Since I cook mostly vegetarian food, I benefit greatly from this. (A good thing, considering my paycheck!)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Wow. It would be great if a certain Canadian gov't subsidised healthy eating too. How do you change an entire culture away from heavily advertised, heavily sweetened, low calore, heavily chemicalized(?), mass produced crap? It's kind of funny (but not in a ha ha way) that part of what you are paying for when you buy mass manufactured goods is the advertising so you can be inundated(? Eng here, spelling was never a strong point) with more possibilities of what to spend your money on. Rant, rant, rant... *sigh*