Wednesday, January 30, 2008

Into the swamps . . .

Wednesday 30 January 2008

Ryan and I are in Esteros del Iberá right now, a nature preserve covering hundreds of square kilometers of wetlands in northern Argentina. This afternoon we went on a boat right with a really knowledgable young guide around the "floating islands," collections of floating plants that have grown so thick that they are now kilometers wide in some places, where trees and bushes grow, and you can see animals as big as deer living. We walked on one for a little while, and it felt kinda like walking on a mattress. The land was solid, as the dirt there is now about a meter thick, but it moved under you, like walking on a water bed. A very strange sensation, indeed.

On this trip we saw lots of the above - black caimans, not agressive at all - along with capybaras (the largest rodent on earth!), marsh deer, and tons and tons of different kinds of birds.

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