Saturday, April 21, 2007

World's Smallest Book

Saturday 21 April 2007

Ryan and I went to the 33rd Annual Buenos Aires International Book Fair today, something I have looked forward to for a while now. It was definitely huge (covering 45,000 square meters!) and crowded, but I left a little disappointed. They were a bit lacking in the "international" area. I have been doing a bit of a South American literature study on my own down here, but have been having difficulty finding books from anywhere except Argentina and Uruguay. I had thought today would be a great opportunity to pick up classic Bolivian, Paraguayan, Peruvian, Chilean, Venezuelan, and Colombian novels. That was not to be, however. Half of those countries weren't even represented at the book fair, and of those that were, only Venezuela had much to offer.

At the Russian stall, however, we did have the chance to see the world's smallest printed book, which was pretty exciting! It's on the right, that white strip is the book all unfolded. There were also many tiny tiny books in the same display, about the size of my pinky fingernail. That was impressive, at least.

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