Friday, May 18, 2007

Protest aftermath

Friday 18 May 2007

There was a giant protest today which was against either abortion or hunger, or maybe somehow both, I'm not sure. I saw it going screaming down Rivadavia, and later today walked through the Plaza de Mayo, where it evidently culminated. The whole plaza was filthy. There were these pamphlets thrown around, actually coating the ground in some places. (This is actually normal after any march. You can't have a protest without handouts, after all. It must make so much trash every year, considering that there is at least one big protest a week, and countless small ones.) But there was trash everywhere, too. Bottles, wrappers, papers, stuff floating in the fountains, used firework casings, just litter everywhere. It was disgusting.

I hate to sound so negative, but seeing all these protests, all this trash, having lived here for nearly a year now, I have come, unwillingly, to this conclusion. Porteños are a very angry people (perhaps rightfully so, but angry nonetheless) and have no respect for their city.

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