Friday, December 15, 2006


Friday 15 December 2006

The lack of apparent Christmas preparations has been a surprise for me. Being back in a Christian country, I was expecting a real holiday season this year, but as it ends up, that's not how things work in Argentina. Christmas is less than two weeks away, and there is almost no visible sign of its approach. No carols, not many decorations, nothing.

Some of this is the lack of commercialization. Back home it is usually the stores reminding you that Christmas is coming, in order to sell you gifts. Here, almost none of that exists. Also, it could also be because it is not a very big religious holiday, although it is an important family time. (Argentines in general are not religious at all.)

It's a little disappointing, not having that Christmas spirit in the air, that feeling of a holiday coming. There are, however, a few of these creches around the city, all identical, without any surrounding decoration or explanation, but a few statues here and there. This one is outside the Once train station.

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