Wednesday, January 17, 2007

Mannequin shop

Wednesday 17 January 2007

The part of Flores where I often work is full of clothing shops. In fact, there is very little else there, a fact which usually frustrates me when I am looking for a place to buy a phone card or a sandwich or something, and all I can possibly get is a good deal on a new shirt or the hottest little dress.

But today I found the stores where they all buy their mannequins! It was a little freaky, actually, walking past these shops full of plastic people, all lined up and naked.


Anonymous said...

Great picture! I like how it fades into darkness on the right, giving the impression of endless mannequins.

Theatremaking Theatregoer said...

wow. That's a great, spooky picture. Mannequins are scary. Like clowns. And those plastic babies with the creepy blinky eyes.