Friday, November 09, 2007


Friday 9 November 2007

We went on a looong bike ride down the coast today, past three point jutting out into a cold South Atlantic sea. This is the lighthouse on the second point - quite different from our Michigan lighthouses, but I suppose anything tall with something bright on top will do!

It was rather difficult, riding though Patagonia, and not just because it was a rough dirt road on rented bikes, up and down hills. The landscape really affected me on that ride, I found. It is bleak - a low scrubby desert with no trees, no buildings, nothing green. Just drab flatland, and it was a gray cloudy day to boot, making it even more depressing. I don't want to say that Patagonia is an ugly desert with no redeeming features, as many have said before, but just that today, on this ride, it was a little too much for me. Or not enough - too underwhelming, perhaps.

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