Sunday, January 25, 2009

New Year feast

Sunday 25 January 2009

We went to my co-worker Ariana's house for New Year's dinner tonight, and what a treat it was! Her mother-in-law cooked this amazing spread. Going clockwise, there was: clams, fish, some kind of mushroom stuff, shrimp, cabbage with pork, crab legs, spicy green beans, various fish roe things, and crab meat veggies. Two different soups in the middle. It was SO GOOD.

The one weird thing, and I've seen this at Taiwanese people's houses before, is that Ariana's mother-in-law was in the kitchen pretty much the whole time. She came out to deliver dishes and to tell us to eat more, but she herself didn't sit down to eat until everyone else was done and everything was cold. I'm sorry, but not waiting until the cook is finished and comes to sit down to start eating? Maybe it's cultural, but I've learned that "it's the culture" doesn't excuse everything.

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